Martes, Mayo 19, 2015


Hey chickxers, i am writing  a post for underarm whitening which is proudly thailand made.

To be honest , just like others i am not gifted with a flawless ua. But to push a little luck , i dont have the chicken skin type. I think plucking your ua has somethig to do with it.

I have used lots of deodorants since my elementary days. My mom is very strict when it comes to cleanliness, and I dont mind that time if it contanis alcohol or not, since i only after the anti-sting effect of it.

I use to shave mine, atleast once a week. Maybe its one of the reason why it made my ua darker.

I will not post a before and after picture since it is too much invasion of my privacy.

This cream is what they call

"cherry white cream"

I bought mine for 70 pesos plus the shipping fee of 50 through online. you can visit their fb page zayonns stuff

for me its really cheap, but to set your expectation  container is just half filled.

Verdicts:  this is a must try product, actually it was been recommende by my sis-in-law, which have been used by her little sister. Sounds confusing lels.. She told me that after using one container her sister ua did lighten a little. Mine did effect too. Im planning to buy a waxing cream for the removal of hair , gross ( be open minded we are talking ua here)  ive heard that waxing is better than plucking or shaving . i will write a review for it too. i still need to come across some reviews trough net for a better products to try.

It really lighten my underarm after using one container. im planning to buy  2 container for better result.

but i really love this cream.


-it has a good smell which is like floral scent
-very cheap
-will really lighten ua

-not a substitute for deodorant it will give u stinging smell.
- container is just half filled.

Rate : 9/10

1 komento:

  1. Hi, you dont use it as a deodorant? After nyo po ilagay yung cherry white underam cream, gagamit naman kayo ng other deodorant?
